Does Apple Rule The World?

Does Apple Rule The World?

It’s been said that power corrupts, and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. I don’t know if it’s possible to say that the Apple corporation has absolute power, and even if they do there are certainly plenty of other entities who are vying for the title. What I can do is point out some facts and information to allow the reader to make an informed decision concerning whether Apple is the harbinger of judgment day as depicted in the Terminator films. Why, you ask, is this an important decision to make? It isn’t; it’s simply an entertaining exercise in “what if?”

It’s All About The Benjamins

Apple is in technical terms, filthy rich, financially secure, beyond well to do, or as 90’s rappers would say “ballin’ outta control.” Apple’s market value recently surpassed Microsoft and Google combined. That makes a bold statement, given the fact that Microsoft could arguably be considered to be the company that brought computing to the masses. Add to that the fact that Apple has highly publicized cash reserves approaching $100 bil., and it becomes hard to argue that Apple at very least is at the forefront of current computing technology.

Apple Is Everywhere

The heading of this paragraph says it all. It seems that nowadays one cannot enter a coffee shop, bookstore, or college campus without seeing someone using a macbook. To further prove this point try approaching just about any group of people anywhere and you’re bound to meet at least one person who uses an iPod, iPad, iPhone or any combination of the three; and just try to find a child under the age of five who's never heard of the Angry Birds. Users are now able to store their entire iTunes library on Apple's cloud server, which simply augments iTunes already included ability to determine your musical preferences based upon what you have in your library and how much it has been played. Add to all this the fact that the majority of professional audio engineers, graphic designers, and photographers use at least one Apple product in the accomplishment of their daily duties and it’s obvious how pervasive Apple devices have become.

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

While the writer of the previous paragraph was indeed correct (as well as charming and rather handsome), being everywhere isn’t the whole story. Apple has transcended being simply a tech company and is now widely regarded as something of a status symbol. If you don’t have something with that white silhouette of an apple emblazoned somewhere on it, you’ve somehow detracted from your overall level of cool. Apple has taken up residence in the halls of pop culture. Beyond that, most iPhone owners spend so much time with their devices and use them for so much they really do begin to feel like a beloved companion. The wake us up with alarms, put us to sleep with music, keep us entertained, give us the weather, remind us of loved ones birthdays and anniversaries, and so much more. The recent passing of Apple early innovator and C.E.O. Steve Jobs felt like the loss of a family member to many consumers of his company’s products. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene says something to the effect that close friends are the people who are best positioned to stick a knife in your back. I’m just saying… and this is from someone who loves all things Apple.


  1. Interesting post Larry. I actually did a report on Steve Jobs last month and I brought up a lot of the points you make. Steve Jobs impacted the telephone industry, music industry, computer industry, and movie industry...dude was insane. I don't even remember the last time I purchased a hard copy of an album, everything I get now is through iTunes and i sync those files to my macbook, iPhone, and iPod. Does that make me a "Cool Kid" too?


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